Some houseplants, flowers, and other plants can make your dog very ill or even be deadly. Here’s a list of the ones to avoid, and the ones that are ok if you have a canine in the family.
Toxic to Dogs:
Alocasia | Elephant Ears | Mum |
Aloe | Eucalyptus | Narcissus |
Amaryllis | Fiddle Leaf Fig | Nasturtium |
Apple plant (including seeds) | Foxglove | Nightshade |
Apricot | Hyacinth | Octopus Tree |
Azalea | Garlic | Oleander |
Begonia | Geranium | Onion |
Bergamot Orange | Gladiola | Orange |
Bird of Paradise | Grapefruit | Oregano |
Black Cherry | Holly | Ornamental Pepper |
Borage | Hydrangea | Peony |
Buckwheat | Hemp | Philodendron |
Calla Lily | Iris | Plum |
Carnation | Jade plant | Poinsettia |
Chamomile | Laurel | Pothos |
Chinese Jade | Lavender | Purslane |
Chives | Leek | Rhododendron |
Chrysanthemum | Lemon | Rhubarb |
Clematis | Lemon Grass | Sorrel |
Coffee Tree | Lemon verbena | St. John’s Wort |
Corn plant | Lilies (all varieties) | Sweet Pea |
Daffodil | Lime | Taro |
Dahlia | Marijuana | Tobacco |
Daisy | Marjoram | Tomato plant |
Day Lilies | Milkweed | Tulip |
Dieffenbachia | Mint | Wisteria |
Dracaena | Morning Glory | |
Easter Lily | Mother of Millions |
Non-Toxic to Dogs:
Acorn Squash | Chervil | Lady Slipper |
African Daisy | Chestnut | Lipstick Plant |
African Violet | Christmas Cactus | Maranta |
Aluminum Plant | Cilantro | Old Man Cactus |
American Rubber Plant | Cinnamon | Oregon Grape |
Baby’s Breath | Dill | Parlor Palm |
Baby’s Tears | Fennel | Ponytail Palm |
Bamboo | Garden Marigold | Prayer Plant |
Banana | Gerber Daisy | Rabbits Foot Fern |
Basil | Gherkins | Stevia |
Beets | Haworthia | Strawberry |
Begonia (Red, Trailing Watermelon) | Hens & Chicks | Sunflower |
Black Walnut | Hibiscus | Thyme |
Burro’s Tail | Hoya Hindu Rope | Cantaloupe |
Butternut Squash | Hollyhock | Umbrella Plant |
Buzzy Lizzie | Honeydew Melon | Zinnia |
Calathea | Impatiens | Zucchini Squash |
Carob | Jasmine |
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